Are you leaning into your summer vibes, my friend? This is a season made for feeling free and relaxed.

Free and relaxed doesn’t mean you won’t feel stressed or need to get back in the moment, however.

Keep listening for a breathwork technique I use to reconnect with my carefree summer self. It quickly helps me feel calm and reconnect with the present moment (not only in the summer!).

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Podcast, Social Wellness Karli Newman Podcast, Social Wellness Karli Newman


This is the fourth and final episode in a series that guides you through a mid-year process that replaces New Year’s resolutions for me. I hope you give it a try and love it as much as I do!

The first three episodes cover the reflect, review, and reset phases. In this episode, I help you use what you’ve learned to reignite your journey.

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Podcast, Social Wellness Karli Newman Podcast, Social Wellness Karli Newman


This is the third of four episodes that guide you through a mid-year process similar to what I use instead of New Year’s resolutions.

Once you’ve spent time in the reflect and review phases, it’s time to reset. This is where you choose the stepping stones that give you a solid footing for the next 12 months.

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This and the next three episodes of FLIPSIDE OF MIDLIFE®️ guide you through a process similar to what I use mid-year. Instead of New Year’s resolutions in January, I choose to think about where I am, dream of where I want to be, and reset my direction in the middle of the year.

Listen in to hear why and explore if this shift might work for you, too.

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Podcast Karli Newman Podcast Karli Newman


The past four episodes of FLIPSIDE OF MIDLIFE®️ have focused on fun, and this one is no different. However, this episode helps you spend one-on-one fun time with the most important person in your life (that’s YOU in case you don’t know)!

There’s big benefits to having fun by yourself. Listen in to hear 7 reasons why you should engage in ‘solo’ fun and how it can help you experience great joy and freedom.

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Change is on my mind lately, my friend. We're experiencing a lot of it in midlife and beyond. We're creating a lot of it. Our friends are going through a lot of it.

Want to know more about the phases of change?

Listen in to recognize where you are on your journey of change and to help move through it with greater understanding.

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Podcast, Emotional Wellness Karli Newman Podcast, Emotional Wellness Karli Newman


Summer is coming, my friend. It’s time to clean the slate so you can actually have fun having fun!

This episode helps you pause all of the ‘doing’ and focus on ‘being’ so you can look at fun a bit differently. Listen in to hear the benefits of adding more of this kind of fun to your life.

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Podcast, Financial Wellness Karli Newman Podcast, Financial Wellness Karli Newman


It’s never too late to take steps to boost your financial wellness, my friend.

As women in midlife and beyond, there’s A LOT of emotion behind the way we think about money and building independent wealth. Have you ever thought about how your money mindset came to be?

Listen to this micro-episode to learn more. Once you do, share your thoughts with me!

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I’m back with another guest, my friend! This time Dr. Leigh Lewis is joining me and you’re going to get SO much out of our chat.

Leigh is a naturopathic physician in the state of Arizona. She has been in clinical practice for over 20 years and her focus is women's health, specifically hormonal health. She pursued extra training in menopause, so she is an expert in this area we ALL want to know more about.

In this episode, Leigh shares her story of how she ended up in this specialty, helps us understand the stages of menopause, and gives us reliable fact-based resources we can trust for accurate and current information.

Leigh busts some of the hormonal myths we hear about and gives us insight on how the ‘pink tax’ relates to prescriptions for women.

And, of course, Leigh shares her personal favorite about midlife and beyond!

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