Flipside of Midlife

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The Power of Play

When is the last time you played? If it has been longer than a week, it is time to drop what you are doing and get busy having fun!

Remember that saying, 'All work & no play makes Jack a dull boy'? Yeah, it is not about a kid. It is about an adult. An adult who works too much and is bored stiff. An adult who is boring to be around. I'm guessing this is not how you want to live your life.

As adult women, our lives get stressful. Whether it is professional commitments or home life, or both, neglecting our biological need for play results in losing our zest for life. We have a lot to juggle, and one of the first things we ignore is self-care. Guess what? Play is a form of self-care.

Play is engaging in an activity for pure enjoyment and recreation. Yep, it sounds like self-care to me!

So what exactly does play do for us?

  • Play relieves stress. Play can trigger the release of endorphins, our natural feel-good chemicals. These promote an overall sense of well-being and can temporarily relieve pain. Play often leads to laughter, which has been linked to decreased stress and inflammation and may improve vascular health.

  • Play improves brain function. Playing games that challenge the brain – such as chess and puzzles – can help prevent memory problems and improve thinking skills. Play can also help ward off depression.

  • Play improves social well-being. Laughing and having fun with others can foster empathy, compassion, trust, and intimacy. Developing a playful nature can help you loosen up in stressful situations, break the ice with strangers, and make new friends. Playing is how we connect.

Not sure how to bring more play into your life? Here are a few ideas:

  • Pick a hobby and make time for it. Find time to do the things that you enjoy the most. Make sure to find joy in the process of that hobby and not only on the end product.

  • Do something fun with others. Join an adult sports league, meet up for Trivia Night at a local bar, play tag with your grandkids, pull together an impromptu game of cornhole. Keep it social!

  • Think like a child. Dig in the sandbox, play hopscotch or kickball, shoot hoops, or make snow angels. Build a sandcastle or jump over waves at the beach.

  • Visit a park or a playground. When was the last time you got on a swing or went down a slide? Try it!

  • Be present when you play. Playful people are those who take the time to appreciate the beauty in the world. Pick a flower, step on the leaves and laugh as they crunch, feel the cool breeze against your face on a breezy day, or jump in that puddle. Be in the moment to enjoy the process.

Open yourself to seeing the world like you did when you were young. The more you play, the happier you will be!

How are you adding more play into your life? What benefits are you experiencing?

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