Flipside of Midlife

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Why Every Woman Benefits From Cash-on-Hand

Cash-on-hand is readily available money for immediate use. And it’s more than a financial strategy-it’s about boosting your confidence and providing financial flexibility. 

As a woman in midlife and beyond, you know life likes to throw you surprises. Whether it’s an unexpected expense or an opportunity that falls into your lap, a stash of cash on hand can make the difference between feeling stressed or disappointed to feeling secure or thrilled.

Here are 3 benefits of building your cash-on-hand amount:

  • Peace of Mind

    Women often carry emotional baggage when it comes to financial responsibility. Cash-on-hand helps alleviate anxiety about unexpected costs and prevents stress when they inevitably come your way. 

  • Emergency Preparedness

    Cash in your wallet and home can be critical in situations like power outages and travel emergencies. If electronic payments aren’t accepted or you can’t access your bank account, you are still able to meet your needs.

  • Financial Confidence

    Build trust in your ability to manage money and build wealth with a comfortable cash-on-hand amount. As you foster your financial wellness, you’ll reap the rewards in other parts of your life, too.

Knowing why it matters to you is key to reaching a goal or sustaining a habit. Think about your reason (or reasons!) for having cash on hand and remind yourself that it’s a process to get to your target. 

Women in midlife and beyond are breaking down barriers to build self-sufficiency and flourish financially. Cash on hand is a small but mighty tool to support your journey. 

Small amounts add up quickly! Want to build your stash of cash on hand? Join my MONEY MATTERS email list to save $150 this month and kickstart your money mindset transformation.