Flipside of Midlife

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Find Your Movement Mindset

The pandemic has required us to get creative and think differently about many aspects of 'normal' life. Exercise is only one of them! With our world turned upside down, many women have struggled to maintain a movement routine over the past year.

The reasons are many- virtual workouts aren't appealing, time is harder to find when juggling work and school-at-home, lack of access to fitness equipment, difficulty finding the motivation to exercise, not knowing how to get started. These are only a few!

If the pandemic has given us anything, it is perspective. The past crazy year has made it clear that our health is of utmost importance. As a health and wellness coach for women in midlife, I help clients work through challenges and achieve meaningful change. In some clients, the words 'fitness' and 'exercise' trigger negative feelings. With those clients, we work to let go of those feelings and reframe to a movement mindset.

A movement mindset considers a client's current state of health, the activities they enjoy, the reality of their schedule and environment, and their reasons for moving. It is an approach that makes physical activity less intimidating, more realistic, and makes long-lasting change more likely.

I encourage you to find your movement mindset. Ask yourself these questions:

  • What movement activities do you enjoy? Think back to childhood, if needed. Then list them all!

  • What concerns does your doctor have about you participating in these activities? Always check with a physician before starting or adding intensity to a movement routine.

  • What is a realistic time frame you can find each day for movement? Can you do this all at once, or do you need to break it into smaller chunks throughout the day?

  • Where can you do these activities? At home? In the neighborhood? Within a short commute? A long drive? Note this for each activity.

  • Why is a movement routine important to you? List ALL the reasons!

What are your favorite movement activities? What challenges are you having with your movement routine? How has a movement mindset helped you? Please share! Comment below, DM me on Instagram @imkarlinewman, or email me at karli@flipsideofmidlife.com.

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