Flipside of Midlife

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Don’t Overlook This Area of Fitness

Most of us think of strength and endurance when we think of physical fitness. Flexibility is another component that we frequently overlook, however.

Flexibility is the ability of a joint or series of joints to move through an unrestricted pain-free range of motion. The older we get, the more vital it becomes!

As we age, it is common for our degree of flexibility to decrease. A reduced range of motion in our joints can prevent us from being active. Over time, our ability to perform daily activities may be affected.

The good news? It is never too late to increase flexibility. Everyone can benefit from improving and maintaining the range of motion in their joints. One way to do this is to add 15-minutes of stretching into your day.

You may be familiar with two types of stretching, dynamic and static. Dynamic stretching involves controlled movement through a full range of motion. Static stretching requires you to extend a muscle and hold the position. I recommend including both in your stretching routine.

Choose dynamic stretching before a movement session or when your muscles are not warm. Dynamic stretching helps prepare your muscles for activity. Some examples of dynamic stretching are arm circles, walking lunges, and knee-to-chest walks.

Choose static stretching following a movement session or when your muscles are already warm. Static stretching helps relax and elongate muscles. Some examples of static stretching are hamstring stretch, butterfly stretch, and sit-and-reach.

For a static stretch, extend your muscle to the maximal point and hold here. Use your breath to help muscles relax. With every exhale, think of releasing the tension you feel. You might notice you fall a bit deeper into the stretch when you do. To prevent injury during static stretching, remember that mild discomfort is okay. Pain is not. Hold each one for 20-30 seconds and repeat 2-3 times.

Stretching has benefits beyond keeping our joints flexible. Here are a few more reasons to stretch every day:

  • Static stretching can help to decrease stiffness, reduce pain levels (especially in individuals with chronic neck or low-back pain), and potentially reduce the frequency and severity of muscle cramps.

  • Stretching helps reduce the physical effects of stress and, when combined with mindful breathing techniques, may help decrease anxiety and depression.

  • Stretching can improve your posture. Stretch the muscles of the lower back, shoulders, and chest to keep your back in alignment. Stretch your hips to counteract the effects of sitting for long periods.

  • Stretching can improve your quality of life. An increased range of motion means it is easier to get around, and stretching can help prevent injury.

Whichever type of stretching you are doing, always stretch with safety and care. Notice your body's limits and do not push too far. Listen to your body and do what feels right at the moment. It is normal to be in a different place from day-to-day!

Do you focus on flexibility? How has it impacted you? Are you inspired to add stretching into your day? How are you making it happen?

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